
Patrapottali Sweda   Patra Pottali Sweda:  Small sized chopped Patras (leaves) of Eranda, Nirgundi, Arka, Karanja, shigru, nimba, chincha, along with small pieces of Lemon, Coconut gratings and Saindava Lavana  are fried in a pan using little quantity of the Sahacharadi Taila until golden brown. Patrapottali I Indications for this treatment are as follows: Arthritis – Osteoarthritis, Rheumatoid Arthritis Spondylitis & Spondylosis Chronic back pain Cramps, Myalgia, Neuralgia Benefits of this treatment are seen in below diseases: Joint & Muscle Disorder. Osteoarthritis Rheumatoid Arthritis Sciatica Contraindications include: Skin allergies. Sensitive skin as heat causes redness and itching. Acute inflammation. Diabetic patients  Pregnant women.
 Vd Ramdas Avhad Sir  Lecture on Panchkarm After Covid
A clinical study on the effect of Triphaladi Kala Basti with Arjuna Punarnavadi Ghanavati in the management of essential hypertension.
  Effects of medicated enema and nasal drops using Triphaladi oil in the management of obesity - An open label, randomized, comparative, interventional pilot study was done to assess the effect of Lekhana Basti (medicated enema) and Rechana Nasya Karma (Errhine therapy) in the management of Sthoulya with special reference to obesity. In the study 30 clinically diagnosed patient of either sex were randomly divided into two groups. In Basti group, Lekhana Basti in Karma Basti manner was given for 30 days. Anuvasana Basti (enema with Triphaladi Taila) in the dose of 120 mL and Asthapana Basti (enema with Triphaladi decoction etc.) in the dose of approximately 960 mL was given. In Nasya group, Rechananasya on alternate days was given with Triphaladi (oil) in the dose of 0.5 mL per nostril for total 28 days. The patients were assessed on objective criteria such as such as weight, chest circumference, mid-arm circumference, mid-thigh circumference, triceps skin fold thickness, sub-scapular s
  Outcomes of Ayurvedic care in a COVID-19 patient with hypoxia - A Case Report Abstract This paper reports for the first time, the outcomes of Ayurvedic intervention in a COVID-19 patient with severe hypoxia requiring supportive oxygen therapy. Patient developed fever, severe cough, loss of smell, loss of taste, nasal block, anorexia, headache, body ache, chills, and fatigue and was hospitalised when she developed severe breathing difficulty. Later, she tested positive for COVID-19 by RT PCR. The patient sought Ayurvedic treatment voluntarily when her SPO2 remained at 80% even after being given oxygen support. The patient was administered Ayurvedic medicines while undergoing oxygen therapy at the hospital. The patient refused to take Fabiflu recommended by the treating physician and discontinued other allopathic drugs except for Vitamin C. The patient showed clinical improvement within a day of administration of Ayurvedic medici

Basti: Does the equipment and method of administration matter?

This article about study on Vasantic Vamama.